Who do we believe?
These package delivery slip stated “package delivered to front desk and handed to secretary”, but the images shows where they were found. Contractors are used to deliver your packages and they are left even on the floor.

Amazon and other couriers continue to leave package outside daily, and they mark this as “Delivered to ….”
Is this really fair? Would you accept this as ok?
People have suggested a delivery shoot. We do have a small one but we need permission from the property owner to open the wall and install that and we have not gotten that permission.
Some have suggested longer hours. Staff worked up to 8pm last night so that would have come after.
We have signs outside in English and Spanish asking that packages not be left outside.
We have asked customers to ensure deliveries are done between 9am and 5pm.
We have cameras and we even have neighbors who look out. But people are slick and deliveries like this we cannot be responsible if anything is lost.
We will continue to do our best to serve you in the best and most efficient way and we thank all our customers for their patience, understanding and most of all your support. You… (our customers) make us and we thank you for growing with us.